Friday, January 18, 2013

It is difficult to look at this beautiful smiling face and accept that this young man has hung himself.  Here is the face of a genius, 26 years old, generous, loving, at times ill, at times depressed.  He saw a world that we who are older cannot fully grasp, and he wanted it to be free to everyone.

He was a gift to the future, that we have obliterated. It saddens and enrages me that we cannot imagine  that there are many better ways of doing things.  This young man was looking for those ways, experimenting, inventing and maybe making some missteps, but in a search for the greater good, not personal gain.  And for this our justice system hounded him unto death.  Shame on the United States, and its toxic, lethal culture that glorifies violence and greed and fails to support and nuture genius, creativity and generosity.

Let this be the last straw.

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